The complex of nostoc cytochrome f and plastocyanin determin with paramagnetic nmr. based on the structures of cytochrome f and plastocyanin, 10 structures Deposition Author(s): De La Rosa, M.A. , Diaz-Moreno, I. , Diaz-Quintana, A. , Ubbink, M.
Date: 2004-06-24 Method: SOLUTION NMR Resolution: N.A. Organism(s): Nostoc Sp. Sequences Data: 1TU2_A , 1TU2_B
Nmr structure of the y48pcmf variant of human cytochrome c in its reduced state Deposition Author(s): De La Rosa, M.A. , Del Conte, R. , Diaz-Moreno, I. , Diaz-Quintana, A. , Moreno-Beltran, B. , Turano, P.
Date: 2015-06-15 Method: SOLUTION NMR Resolution: N.A. Organism(s): Homo Sapiens Sequences Data: 2N3Y_A