Crystal structure of human wdr41 Deposition Author(s): Arrowsmith, C.H. , Bountra, C. , Dong, A. , Edwards, A.M. , Halabelian, L. , Hutchinson, A. , Li, Y. , Seitova, A. , Structural Genomics Consortium (Sgc)
Date: 2024-02-22 Method: X-RAY DIFFRACTION Resolution: 2.2 Å Organism(s): Homo Sapiens Sequences Data: 8W3V_A , 8W3V_B
Co-crystal structure of human prmt9 in complex with mrk-990 inhibitor Deposition Author(s): Arrowsmith, C.H. , Brown, P.J. , Dong, A. , Edwards, A.M. , Fischer, C. , Gao, Y.D. , Halabelian, L. , Hicks, J. , Hutchinson, A. , Li, Y. , Li, Y. , Nicholson, B. , Schneider, S. , Seitova, A. , Siliphaivanh, P. , Sloman, D. , Structural Genomics Consortium (Sgc) , Zeng, H.
Date: 2024-03-07 Method: X-RAY DIFFRACTION Resolution: 2.22 Å Organism(s): Homo Sapiens Sequences Data: 9AY9_A , 9AY9_B , 9AY9_C , 9AY9_D
Co-crystal structure of human ddb1 bound to fragment ub028668 Deposition Author(s): Ackloo, S. , Arrowsmith, C.H. , Dong, A. , Edwards, A.M. , Frommlet, A. , Halabelian, L. , Loppnau, P. , Seitova, A. , Structural Genomics Consortium (Sgc) , Zeng, H.
Date: 2024-04-05 Method: X-RAY DIFFRACTION Resolution: 2 Å Organism(s): Homo Sapiens Sequences Data: 9BBE_A
Co-crystal structure of human ddb1 bound to fragment ub028671 Deposition Author(s): Ackloo, S. , Arrowsmith, C.H. , Dong, A. , Edwards, A.M. , Frommlet, A. , Halabelian, L. , Loppnau, P. , Seitova, A. , Structural Genomics Consortium (Sgc) , Zeng, H.
Date: 2024-04-05 Method: X-RAY DIFFRACTION Resolution: 1.7 Å Organism(s): Homo Sapiens Sequences Data: 9BBG_A
Co-crystal structure of human ddb1 bound to fragment ub028670 Deposition Author(s): Ackloo, S. , Arrowsmith, C.H. , Dong, A. , Edwards, A.M. , Frommlet, A. , Halabelian, L. , Loppnau, P. , Seitova, A. , Structural Genomics Consortium (Sgc) , Zeng, H.
Date: 2024-04-05 Method: X-RAY DIFFRACTION Resolution: 2 Å Organism(s): Homo Sapiens Sequences Data: 9BBH_A
Co-crystal structure of human ddb1 bound to fragment ub028669 Deposition Author(s): Ackloo, S. , Arrowsmith, C.H. , Dong, A. , Edwards, A.M. , Frommlet, A. , Halabelian, L. , Loppnau, P. , Seitova, A. , Structural Genomics Consortium (Sgc) , Zeng, H.
Date: 2024-04-05 Method: X-RAY DIFFRACTION Resolution: 1.9 Å Organism(s): Homo Sapiens Sequences Data: 9BBI_A
Chicken 1-phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate phosphodiesterase zeta-1 (plcz1) in complex with calcium and phosphorylated threonine Deposition Author(s): Arrowsmith, C.H. , Dong, A. , Edwards, A.M. , Edwards, M.M. , Ilyassov, O. , Leung, R. , Li, H. , Loppnau, P. , Seitova, A. , Structural Genomics Consortium , Structural Genomics Consortium (Sgc) , Theo-Emegano, N.
Date: 2024-04-10 Method: X-RAY DIFFRACTION Resolution: 1.99 Å Organism(s): Gallus Gallus Sequences Data: 9BCZ_A
Crystal structure of the wdr domain of human dcaf1 in complex with oicr-40155 compound Deposition Author(s): Ackloo, S. , Al-Awar, R. , Arrowsmith, C.H. , Dong, A. , Edwards, A.M. , Halabelian, L. , Kimani, S. , Krausser, C. , Li, Y. , Seitova, A. , Structural Genomics Consortium (Sgc) , Wilson, B.
Date: 2024-04-21 Method: X-RAY DIFFRACTION Resolution: 1.62 Å Organism(s): Homo Sapiens Sequences Data: 9BHR_A , 9BHR_B
Crystal structure of the wdr domain of human dcaf1 in complex with oicr-9939 compound Deposition Author(s): Ackloo, S. , Al-Awar, R. , Arrowsmith, C.H. , Dong, A. , Edwards, A.M. , Halabelian, L. , Kimani, S. , Li, Y. , Seitova, A. , Structural Genomics Consortium (Sgc) , Wilson, B.
Date: 2024-04-21 Method: X-RAY DIFFRACTION Resolution: 1.43 Å Organism(s): Homo Sapiens Sequences Data: 9BHS_A , 9BHS_B
Crystal structure of the wdr domain of human dcaf1 in complex with oicr-39512 compound Deposition Author(s): Ackloo, S. , Al-Awar, R. , Arrowsmith, C.H. , Dong, A. , Edwards, A.M. , Halabelian, L. , Kimani, S. , Li, Y. , Seitova, A. , Wilson, B.
Date: 2024-05-29 Method: X-RAY DIFFRACTION Resolution: 1.8 Å Organism(s): Homo Sapiens Sequences Data: 9C1Q_A