Jc polyomavirus vp1 in complex with scfv 27c11 Deposition Author(s): Freytag, J. , Harprecht, C. , Nagel, F. , Stehle, T. , Stroeh, L.J.
Date: 2021-07-29 Method: X-RAY DIFFRACTION Resolution: 1.9 Å Organism(s): Homo Sapiens , Jc Polyomavirus Sequences Data: 7PA6_KKK , 7PA6_LLL , 7PA6_MMM , 7PA6_NNN , 7PA6_OOO , 7PA6_PPP , 7PA6_QQQ , 7PA6_RRR , 7PA6_SSS , 7PA6_TTT , 7PA6_AAA , 7PA6_BBB , 7PA6_CCC , 7PA6_DDD , 7PA6_EEE , 7PA6_FFF , 7PA6_GGG , 7PA6_HHH , 7PA6_III , 7PA6_JJJ
Human cationic trypsin (try1) complexed with serine protease inhibitor kazal type 1 (spink1) Deposition Author(s): Delcea, M. , Lammers, M. , Nagel, F. , Palm, G.J.
Date: 2021-12-01 Method: X-RAY DIFFRACTION Resolution: 2.9 Å Organism(s): Homo Sapiens Sequences Data: 7QE8_A , 7QE8_B , 7QE8_C , 7QE8_D
Human cationic trypsin (try1) complexed with serine protease inhibitor kazal type 1 n34s (spink1 n34s) Deposition Author(s): Delcea, M. , Lammers, M. , Nagel, F. , Palm, G.J.
Date: 2021-12-01 Method: X-RAY DIFFRACTION Resolution: 2.1 Å Organism(s): Homo Sapiens Sequences Data: 7QE9_A , 7QE9_B , 7QE9_D , 7QE9_C
Human anionic trypsin after autoproteolysis at arg122 Deposition Author(s): Delcea, M. , Lammers, M. , Nagel, F. , Palm, G.J.
Date: 2022-03-21 Method: X-RAY DIFFRACTION Resolution: 1.7 Å Organism(s): Homo Sapiens Sequences Data: 7Z9F_X , 7Z9F_A , 7Z9F_Y , 7Z9F_B