N-terminal coiled-coil dimer of c.elegans sas-6, crystal form b Deposition Author(s): Erat, M.C. , Vakonakis, I.
Date: 2012-08-03 Method: X-RAY DIFFRACTION Resolution: 2.85 Å Organism(s): Caenorhabditis Elegans Sequences Data: 4GFC_A , 4GFC_B
A novel domain in the microcephaly protein cpap suggests a role in centriole architecture Deposition Author(s): Cutts, E. , Erat, M.C. , Hatzopoulos, G.N. , Rogala, K. , Slatter, L. , Stansfeld, P.J. , Vakonakis, I.
Date: 2013-07-31 Method: X-RAY DIFFRACTION Resolution: 1.72 Å Organism(s): Danio Rerio , Synthetic Construct Sequences Data: 4LZF_A , 4LZF_B
Specific phosphorothioate substitution within domain 6 of a group ii intron ribozyme leads to changes in local structure and metal ion binding Deposition Author(s): Besic, E. , Erat, M.C. , Johannsen, S. , Oberhuber, M. , Sigel, R.K.O.
Date: 2017-11-13 Method: SOLUTION NMR Resolution: N.A. Organism(s): N.A. Sequences Data: 6EZ0_A