Structure of the c-terminal domain of human tubby-like protein 1 Deposition Author(s): Arrowsmith, C. , Berglund, H. , Edwards, A. , Ehn, M. , Flodin, S. , Graslund, S. , Hallberg, B.M. , Hammarstrom, M. , Hogbom, M. , Holmberg-Schiavone, L. , Kotenyova, T. , Kursula, P. , Nilsson-Ehle, P. , Nordlund, P. , Nyman, T. , Ogg, D. , Persson, C. , Sagemark, J. , Stenmark, P. , Sundstrom, M. , Thorsell, A.G. , Van Den Berg, S. , Weigelt, J.
Date: 2005-12-29 Method: X-RAY DIFFRACTION Resolution: 1.9 Å Organism(s): Homo Sapiens Sequences Data: 2FIM_A , 2FIM_B
Human protein kinase c, eta Deposition Author(s): Arrowsmith, C. , Bochkarev, A. , Dhe-Paganon, S. , Edwards, A. , Finerty Jr., P.J. , Littler, D.R. , Mackenzie, F. , Newman, E.M. , Structural Genomics Consortium (Sgc) , Sundstrom, M. , Walker, J.R. , Weigelt, J.
Date: 2006-01-04 Method: X-RAY DIFFRACTION Resolution: 1.75 Å Organism(s): Homo Sapiens Sequences Data: 2FK9_A
Crystal structure of human glutaredoxin 2 complexed with glutathione Deposition Author(s): Arrowsmith, C. , Debreczeni, J. , Edwards, A. , Gileadi, O. , Johansson, C. , Kavanagh, K.L. , Oppermann, U. , Smee, C. , Structural Genomics Consortium (Sgc) , Sundstrom, M. , Von Delft, F. , Weigelt, J.
Date: 2006-01-06 Method: X-RAY DIFFRACTION Resolution: 2.05 Å Organism(s): Homo Sapiens Sequences Data: 2FLS_A
The crystal structure of human ras-related protein, rras, in the gdp-bound state Deposition Author(s): Arrowsmith, C. , Burgess, N. , Debreczeni, J. , Doyle, D. , Edwards, A. , Elkins, J.M. , Gileadi, C. , Papagrigoriou, E. , Salah, E. , Structural Genomics Consortium (Sgc) , Sundstrom, M. , Turnbull, A.P. , Von Delft, F. , Weigelt, J.
Date: 2006-01-10 Method: X-RAY DIFFRACTION Resolution: 1.65 Å Organism(s): Homo Sapiens Sequences Data: 2FN4_A
The crystal structure of the 13th pdz domain of mpdz Deposition Author(s): Arrowsmith, C. , Berridge, G. , Bray, J. , Burgess, N. , Colebrook, S. , Doyle, D.A. , Edwards, A. , Elkins, J.M. , Gileadi, C. , Gorrec, F. , Johansson, C. , Papagrigoriou, E. , Phillips, C. , Salah, E. , Savitsky, P. , Schoch, G. , Smee, C. , Soundarajan, M. , Structural Genomics Consortium (Sgc) , Sundstrom, M. , Turnbull, A. , Weigelt, J. , Yang, X.
Date: 2006-01-11 Method: X-RAY DIFFRACTION Resolution: 1.83 Å Organism(s): Homo Sapiens Sequences Data: 2FNE_A , 2FNE_B , 2FNE_C
Crystal structure of human rab1a in complex with gdp Deposition Author(s): Arrowsmith, C. , Bochkarev, A. , Edwards, A. , Park, H. , Shen, L. , Shen, Y. , Structural Genomics Consortium (Sgc) , Sundstrom, M. , Tempel, W. , Wang, J. , Weigelt, J.
Date: 2006-01-13 Method: X-RAY DIFFRACTION Resolution: 2.631 Å Organism(s): Homo Sapiens Sequences Data: 2FOL_A
Nmr structure of hypothetical protein ta0938 from termoplasma acidophilum Deposition Author(s): Arrowsmith, C. , Celda, B. , Esteve, V. , Monleon, D. , Ontario Centre For Structural Proteomics (Ocsp) , Yee, A.
Date: 2006-01-18 Method: SOLUTION NMR Resolution: N.A. Organism(s): Thermoplasma Acidophilum Sequences Data: 2FQH_A
Crystal structure of human ribokinase Deposition Author(s): Arrowsmith, C. , Bochkarev, A. , Edwards, A. , Nedyalkova, L. , Park, H. , Rabeh, W.M. , Structural Genomics Consortium (Sgc) , Sundstrom, M. , Tempel, W. , Weigelt, J.
Date: 2006-01-30 Method: X-RAY DIFFRACTION Resolution: 2.1 Å Organism(s): Homo Sapiens Sequences Data: 2FV7_A , 2FV7_B
The crystal structure of rhob in the gdp-bound state Deposition Author(s): Arrowsmith, C. , Bray, J. , Doyle, D. , Edwards, A. , Gorrec, F. , Johansson, C. , Papagrigoriou, E. , Schoch, G. , Smee, C. , Soundararajan, M. , Structural Genomics Consortium (Sgc) , Sundstrom, M. , Turnbull, A.P. , Von Delft, F. , Weigelt, J.
Date: 2006-01-30 Method: X-RAY DIFFRACTION Resolution: 1.9 Å Organism(s): Homo Sapiens Sequences Data: 2FV8_A
Crystal structure of human 3-alpha hydroxysteroid/dihydrodiol dehydrogenase (akr1c4) complexed with nadp+ Deposition Author(s): Arrowsmith, C. , Debreczeni, J.E. , Edwards, A. , Guo, K. , Kavanagh, K. , Lukacik, P. , Oppermann, U. , Smee, C. , Structural Genomics Consortium (Sgc) , Sundstrom, M. , Ugochukwu, E. , Von Delft, F. , Weigelt, J.
Date: 2006-01-31 Method: X-RAY DIFFRACTION Resolution: 2.4 Å Organism(s): Homo Sapiens Sequences Data: 2FVL_A , 2FVL_B , 2FVL_C