Solution nmr structure of protein yoag from escherichia coli. ontario centre for structural proteomics target ec0264_1_60; northeast structural genomics consortium target et94. Deposition Author(s): Arrowsmith, C.H. , Cort, J. , Edwards, A.M. , Kennedy, M.A. , Northeast Structural Genomics Consortium (Nesg) , Pineda-Lucena, A. , Wu, B. , Yee, A.
Date: 2002-12-11 Method: SOLUTION NMR Resolution: N.A. Organism(s): Escherichia Coli Sequences Data: 1NEI_A , 1NEI_B
A novel domain-swapped solution nmr structure of protein rpa2121 from rhodopseudomonas palustris. northeast structural genomics target rpt6 Deposition Author(s): Arrowsmith, C.H. , Bansal, S. , Cort, J. , Guido, V. , Kennedy, M.A. , Lemak, A. , Northeast Structural Genomics Consortium (Nesg) , Prestegard, J.H. , Semest, A. , Wu, B. , Yee, A.
Date: 2007-06-21 Method: SOLUTION NMR Resolution: N.A. Organism(s): Rhodopseudomonas Palustris Sequences Data: 2JRA_A , 2JRA_B
Solution nmr structure of protein hp1203 from helicobacter pylori 26695. northeast structural genomics consortium (nesg) target pt1/ontario center for structural proteomics target hp1203 Deposition Author(s): Arrowsmith, C.H. , Cort, J. , Kenney, M.A. , Lemak, A. , Northeast Structural Genomics Consortium (Nesg) , Semest, A. , Wu, B. , Yee, A.
Date: 2008-02-18 Method: SOLUTION NMR Resolution: N.A. Organism(s): Helicobacter Pylori Sequences Data: 2K0Z_A