Nmr structure of the vs ribozyme stem-loop v rna in the absence of multivalent ions. Deposition Author(s): Campbell, D.O. , Legault, P.
Date: 2004-05-20 Method: SOLUTION NMR Resolution: N.A. Organism(s): N.A. Sequences Data: 1TBK_A
Solution structure of the vs ribozyme stem-loop v in the presence of mgcl2 Deposition Author(s): Campbell, D.O. , Legault, P.
Date: 2005-01-23 Method: SOLUTION NMR Resolution: N.A. Organism(s): N.A. Sequences Data: 1YN1_A
Solution structure of the neurospora vs ribozyme stem-loop v in the presence of mgcl2 with modeling of bound manganese ions Deposition Author(s): Campbell, D.O. , Legault, P.
Date: 2005-01-23 Method: SOLUTION NMR Resolution: N.A. Organism(s): N.A. Sequences Data: 1YN2_A