Sparse-constraint solution nmr structure of micelle-solublized cytosolic amino terminal domain of c. elegans mechanosensory ion channel subunit mec-4. new york consortium on membrane protein structure (nycomps) Deposition Author(s): Driscoll, M.A. , Everett, J.K. , Liu, G. , Montelione, G.T. , New York Consortium On Membrane Protein Structure (Nycomps)
Date: 2008-03-31 Method: SOLUTION NMR Resolution: N.A. Organism(s): Caenorhabditis Elegans Sequences Data: 2K2B_A
Sparse-restraint solution nmr structure of micelle-solubilized cytosolic amino terminal domain of c. elegans mechanosensory ion channel mec-4 refined by restrained rosetta Deposition Author(s): Driscoll, M.A. , Everett, J.K. , Liu, G. , Mao, B. , Montelione, G.T. , Northeast Structural Genomics Consortium (Nesg)
Date: 2016-11-04 Method: SOLUTION NMR Resolution: N.A. Organism(s): Caenorhabditis Elegans Sequences Data: 5TTT_A