Structure of the yeast 60s ribosomal subunit in complex with arx1, alb1 and n-terminally tagged rei1 Deposition Author(s): Aebersold, R. , Ban, V. , Boehringer, D. , Gerhardy, S. , Greber, B.J. , Leibundgut, M. , Leitner, A. , Leulliot, N. , Panse, V.G. , Salem, M.
Date: 2015-09-17 Method: ELECTRON MICROSCOPY Resolution: 3.91 Å Organism(s): Saccharomyces Cerevisiae S288C Sequences Data: 5APN_5 , 5APN_G , 5APN_H , 5APN_I , 5APN_J , 5APN_L , 5APN_M , 5APN_N , 5APN_O , 5APN_P , 5APN_Q , 5APN_7 , 5APN_R , 5APN_S , 5APN_T , 5APN_U , 5APN_V , 5APN_W , 5APN_X , 5APN_Y , 5APN_Z , 5APN_A , 5APN_8 , 5APN_B , 5APN_C , 5APN_D , 5APN_E , 5APN_F , 5APN_K